Monday, 25 June 2007

Hi all.
I do hope that everyone has enjoyed their holidays and are happily and readily back in school to work hard once again.
Bear with us for not being able to update the schedule yet but for your information there will be NO GB meeting this SAT. We will be going to FCBC for our Delication Service this SUN.
Please Take note of that and girls who have gone for the camp remember what you have to do and email it to us.
There is changes GB11th email address.
The new address will be


Monday, 18 June 2007

RE: Combined Camp

Hi girls;
I believed that you have a great time in the camp;
I had fun seeing how you play and interact with one another.
Would like you to do this;
Paint/draw a picture that you remember most about the camp, and write a caption below it.
The above is my picture of the camp that I remembered MOST!
=) See you when school re-opens; pass me your picture then. Alternatively; you can email it to me.
Miss Lee =)

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Combined Camp 15-17 June; NorthBrooks Sec

Hi Girls,
Those who have signed up please remember to turn up on Fri in your GB uniform.

Kindly take note of the details for the camp:

Venue: North Brooks Secondary School
Date: 15 Jun- 17 Jun 07

Transport will be provided.

Bus Pick-up/Drop-off Point: Stamford Primary School
Pick-Up Time: 8.00am; 15 Jun 07 (Please be punctual)
Return Time: 1.00pm ; 17 Jun 07

What to Bring?

v Toiletries+ towel
v 1 plastic bag for soiled clothing
v sufficient Under garments
v 1 hanger + GB full uniform (to be worn on the 1st and last day)
v 1 pair school shoes;
v at least 3 T-shirts (including GB T-shirt; and School PE T-shirts)
v at least 3 PE shorts; 1 long pants (to be worn for morning devotions and drill)
v 1 set of pajamas
v slippers
v torch light
v sleeping bag / mattress cover ( must bring)
v water bottle
v bible (if available)
v Additional track shoes (optional)
v Personal Medication (if any)
v Long sleeves jacket

See you at 8 am sharp

Miss Lee ")